Web resources and commentary relating to the Ratana Church and movement

Ratana the Prophet (Penguin 2010)
Now available direct from the author

Ratana: The Prophet belongs to all those who are hungry for reconciliation between tribes and nations and to ‘the generation’ who Ratana believed would pick up his spiritual and political mantle and lead the way through the open gate or doorway to true enlightenment and prosperity.” — Keith Newman

Penguin which acquired Reed (Raupo) at the end of 2007 commissioned writer Keith Newman to rework Ratana Revisited for a more mainstream audience which he did during 2007.  The new title, Ratana the Prophet (2010) features a more narrative approach with additional information and new photographs. Learn more.

Article: New Beginnings Inspire Ratana Youth (1986)
  A Sleeping Giant  (2000 revised 2006)
Keith Newman revisits Ratana Pa to report on the changes within the movement
and the birthday celebrations of prophet, faith healer and political mentor T W Ratana
Ratana legacy supercedes Labour (2006)
from the Just Change issue on Religion and Spirituality
Related poems: New Year's Day & Remnant Seed
Angela Ballara’s extensive article on the Ratana movement:
The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography vol.3 (1996)

Explore the Ratana Church Official web which is now back on-line:
Purchase a print of 'iconic' Ratana portrait by artist Paula Novak

Writer's blog: Reaction to the Ratana book (December 2006) including reviewers comments
Ratana Revisited - an unfinished legacy, by Keith Newman, Reed, 2006
Signed copies of Ratana the Prophet available. Go to Shopfront.
Ratana 'iconic portrait' and Healing Hands original art prints for sale